At UHE, even the simplest part has our utmost attention. And with our state-of-the art machinery and highly trained staff with a sound know-how we have created the best conditions for success. We are working with the latest CNC laser and CNC punching machines es well as with all necessary machines for further processing. CNC spot welders can handle aluminium up to 10 mm thickness and are able to contol the flow and the intensity of the current for every single spot. So we are able to spot-weld different thicknesses in one pass. Micro parts are spot-welded with other, much smaller spot-welding machines.
Our hydraulic presses with pressing forces of up to 100 t can do all sorts of imprints: Beadings, extrusions, borderings, reinforcing ribs, deep drawings, labellings and much more. For the production of micro contacts of 0,2 mm thick spring sheets we use manual punching tools.
Furthermore we use belt grinders, large and small slide grinding machines, a glas bead system, different threading and moulding machines as well as riveting tongs.
Sheet metal processing at the highest level
CNC lasering and CNC punching
For all sheet metal parts the unbent circuit boards are produced first. Our customers supply us with data (Step, IGS or VDAFS formats) which are processed using our 3D software and according to the necessary bend allowances. These data then generate the laser and punching programs which are directly sent to the machine.
The CNC Trumpf flatbed laser with 4.0 kW laser power and automatic loading and unloading is able to produce parts in large format sheets (3000 x 1500 mm) in unmanned operation. Thanks to an additional linear axis, small moving masses and the monitoring of the piercing process we are able to produce your parts very cost-effectively, even in large numbers.
The CNC Trumpf laser and punching machine with 2.4 kW laser power combines CNC punching and CNC laser technology. The laser technology might be compared with a flatbed laser, but with slightly less power. The advantage is that you can produce parts with many punched holes and even fits can be punched. Special tools also help imprint endless beadings by re-forming. Apart from that we produce small bends up to 20 mm width and a maximum height of 10 mm, counterbored holes, hinge elements, passages, embossings, boderings and even labellings.
Sheet metal processing at the highest level
CNC bending
CNC as well as conventional bending presses with a pressure output of up to 120 t and a maximum length of 3 m are used for the machining processes. By specific angle measuring sensors we achieve angle accuracies of up to 0,1 °. With up to 5 simultaneously controlled axes the most demanding bending tasks are mastered.
A variety of standard tools allows the realization of nearly all bending tasks. Deep bends are done with bridge tools. Complete benders for small Z-bends and special bordering tools are manufactured in-house. Because of the segmentation of the bending tops any desired bending length less than 3 m is possible. By the additional use of special tools these machines can also punch long flat material.
Even bending without leaving any marks is possible by using plastic bottoms and it also saves time-consuming reworks e. g. on brushed surfaces.
Oscillating perfection
With the Timesavers Grindingmaster RB 42, almost all sheet metal parts can be deburred on 2 sides and the edges rounded. The rotating and oscillating brush system deburrs any edge - no matter how it is oriented on the conveyor belt.
Even ground patterns on flat sheet metal parts, such as front panels, can be applied in this way. The result: a high-quality and flawless surface, free from a possible oxide layer and slag.
Shape perfection: flat and stress-free
Roll straightening process
In roll straightening, a sheet metal part passes through alternating bends. The material is shaped so that the finished result is flat and stress-free.
A low residual stress in the sheet metal part improves subsequent process steps, such as welding, bending or folding. Material thicknesses from 0.3 mm to 5 mm can thus be perfectly straightened with high precision and repeatability.
Hermann Strathmann